Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Busyness of Life

Life has been full over the last few months and here are just a few of things we have had happen lately:

- We started school back up last week. My parents and sisters will be arriving from Kenya in 15 days, so we are getting some school in before they arrive.

- Luken has fully come into being a boy and two. He is now not allowed to be alone anywhere. Luken alone is just bad. We were at a pool last week and he decided to step off the sideinto the water without Mom or Dad there to catch him. Thankfully, there was another person there who saw him do it and pulled him out.

- We have another kitten. Making the total house cat count at three. He is adorable. Be looking for pictures.

- It has finally decided to heat up and be summer around here. This makes me want to run around with the least amount of clothing that is acceptable and take showers regularly. I hate being sweaty.

- I have started jogging regularly and that makes for early mornings in this heat.

- Jeremy finally got on facebook, but it is for his business. Go "like" his page. It will make him feel good. It is "In the Flow Web Design".

- Jer is stilling searching for work, but God is taking care of us.

Life has been full this summer. I hope you are all enjoy yours.

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