Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Boy

The day arrived and Luken is here. I actually went in on Thursday morning to be induced. And just so you know, don't do it if you do not have to. Patience is worth it in most circumstances. But I also have to say that I am glad he was born on Thursday. He was 8 lbs 7 oz and that was definitely big enough for me.

Here he is with his sisters. They were so excited to get to hold him. They have yet to stop being excited about him.

He is darn cute!

He is a very good baby. He eats and sleeps well. He is also very delightful when he is awake.

I am doing well. I think a strained or pulled some of my stomach muscles. It has made moving very challenging the last few days, but that is now getting better. I am very excited for when my body gets back to itself.

We are looking forward to the wonderful life we will have with Luken.


  1. Congratulations Jessica! He is adorable!

  2. Congratulations....he is just so cute !!!

    and I agree about the inductions.....I hated them too. And both times, they caused more problems than I prob. otherwise would not have had. So, I'm not a fan either.

  3. Congrats oh your handsome little man.

    It was so nice to visit with you and Jer at the hospital. I loved snuggling Luken. =)

    I do have to agree I would never recommend anyone be induced. Or have a c-section.

    I hope your pulled muscle heals soon. Rest up new mommy.

  4. He is so cute. We are so happy for you and the family.Hope to see him sometime. And you too.

  5. Congratulations....He is so cute. Looks like he will have 3 big sisters there to help him along the way!! Hope you are feeling better.
