Yesterday's suits were ones that I would not choose. I am all for modesty, but at this time, I do not feel I need to wear something along those lines. I respect anyone who feels that is what is appropriate for them and I am glad that there are people out there that provide those types for others that would prefer that style.

Now these are more along the lines of what I would choose for Bailee, but not necessarily myself.

I found a couple of different sites that offered really cute suits that Bailee and I could agree upon. The suits above are from
Lime Ricki. The link takes you to the about page, because I was really impressed by the women who started this business.
The site is
Diivine ModesTee. They actually are not just a swimwear site. They are boutique that offers a range of modest, but stylish clothing. The swimwear section is called
Divinita Sole. This site actually was the one that I found a suit that I liked. I have yet to buy myself a suit though, because I am waiting for this baby to be born.
I am curious what you all think about the swimwear modesty issue.
Thanks for posting those sites, those suits are super cute. I'll have to order one! I passed it along to Jacque, because I know she has a hard time covering her chest with swimsuits too- I got the idea from her to sew a little v of swimsuit material to cover up excess cleavage. But I'd rather buy something really cute like this.
ReplyDeleteWhich one did Bailee pick?
i think those suits are ADORABLE...
ReplyDeletei am def. going to keep those sites in mind for Josie as she gets older.
let's see...my opinion on swimwear...since you asked!! as a mother of a girl, i think bikinis are really cute on babies and toddlers. I bought josie one last year and it was adorable on her....this year, i went for a tankini and a one piece...i just didn't come across a bikini i really liked.
as they get older....like 4ish...i think tankinis and one-pieces are the route we will go. i think girls are developing a little sooner and more fabric is a must. For preteens and teens...i think these examples you showed are PERFECT. i LOVE them. and i think it can never hurt to have them wear a pair of swim shorts as well depending on WHO or WHERE they are swimming.
Becky - I totally agree with you. It is better to be more conservative now a days when you are in mixed company.
ReplyDeleteAnge - Bailee did not actually get one of these, because her dad was not willing to pay $60 for something she will probably not be able to wear next year. We did find her a very similar suit at half the price.
We are definitely going to keep our eye on this site for the years to come. The one she liked was the one with the different colored diamonds. She loves bold prints. She is the complete opposite of me.
I think I'm going to buy a tankini top from them and just get some bottoms here in town for cheap, like Ross or something. I'll also keep watching their site for sales. I liked the diamond one too, but couldn't wear those colors. I like the pink frilly ones as well.