I sewed quite a bit for Christmas. I know I put a picture of all the pj pants I made, which are simple. I have not put a picture up yet of the robes I made for Sam and Makayla. I will have to do it soon.
Here is a picture of my newest finished project. I have been wanting to make a purse for a while, but could not find a pattern that I liked that I was willing to pay for. If you did not know, patterns sell for around $12. I would say that is the average. I try to buy all my patterns when they are for sale.
Anyway, I found this one before Christmas and have just had the chance to get to it. I think my purse turned out quite well. I really like it. It is not very big, but I have gotten back to the place where I do not have to carry a ton in my purse.
What do you think?
Here is a picture of my newest finished project. I have been wanting to make a purse for a while, but could not find a pattern that I liked that I was willing to pay for. If you did not know, patterns sell for around $12. I would say that is the average. I try to buy all my patterns when they are for sale.
Anyway, I found this one before Christmas and have just had the chance to get to it. I think my purse turned out quite well. I really like it. It is not very big, but I have gotten back to the place where I do not have to carry a ton in my purse.
What do you think?
Super cute!