Sam's birthday is five days after Christmas and I always have to be very diligent about celebrating it. After the many Christmas celebrations we have, it is hard to excited about another celebration, but Sammy deserves to be celebrated.

Sam turned eight on the 30th of December. Tradition dictated that we have crepes with strawberries and whip cream.

This is the gift that Bailee, Makayla, and Luken gave Sam. Bailee wrapped it in several layers of tissue paper. It took her a while to get through them.

I am not sure what the secret was, but he was having fun keeping it.

We had a family party that night. Jake, Randi, and the kids were still in town and attended. It was great having you guys here.

I love that my new camera picks up smoke.

If you notice, there is a ball on Sam's head, I did not notice it until I was editing the picture. She was not balancing it. Someone had tossed it at her. I am not sure who.

She got this great hat from Grandma Brenda. She wore it to Walmart the next day and got some great compliments. Brenda, I think you could make some money making these.

These two are quite the pair. I am so glad Randi has her Addi.

Luken loved the little horse Sam received. He calls horses "Yee haws".

Anjahli is growing up so fast. I am sure Justin and Brittney will have their hands full soon.

Jake had my camera. That is the only reason my picture was taken.

I always try to get my picture taken with Caedmon and Addi. I want them to remember that their Auntie Jess loves them.

These four have a great time together. It is always fun to see them together.
Sam had a great birthday. Thank you everyone.