Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Boy in Overalls

Here's our little farmer. I just think little kids are so darn cute in overalls. I am going to look and see if I have any pictures of the girls in overalls.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bailee and Oscar

We are now down to one cat. We moved up here three years ago with three cats. One of them, Emmi, totally disappeared. The other, Shadow, had become a wandering and every once in a while returns to let us know he is not died.

This is Oscar. He is a bit stand offish to most, but if you are sitting on the couch and not moving, he will come climb on you. Bailee is not reclining as much as it looks like. I tilted my camera to get as much of Oscar in the picture as possible. He kept sticking his nose up by her ear and nuzzling her. It was so cute.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Project

I sewed quite a bit for Christmas. I know I put a picture of all the pj pants I made, which are simple. I have not put a picture up yet of the robes I made for Sam and Makayla. I will have to do it soon.

Here is a picture of my newest finished project. I have been wanting to make a purse for a while, but could not find a pattern that I liked that I was willing to pay for. If you did not know, patterns sell for around $12. I would say that is the average. I try to buy all my patterns when they are for sale.

Anyway, I found this one before Christmas and have just had the chance to get to it. I think my purse turned out quite well. I really like it. It is not very big, but I have gotten back to the place where I do not have to carry a ton in my purse.

What do you think?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sam's Friend Party

We have been giving the girls two parties for the last couple of years, one for family and the other for friends. This is actually for my sanity. It is easier for me to focus on one group at a time.

We had her family picture the weekend after her birthday and you have seen those pictures. These are of her friend party which took place just this last weekend.

Not sure what made the little man so grumpy.

Payton and her pink hair with cousin Bailee. She forced Bailee to get her picture taken with her.

Below is the group for this party. We are missing a few and they were definitely missed, but we had a great crafting party. Thank you girls for joining us.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Adding Pages

I am adding pages to my blog. If you notice right underneath the banner, you will find "Homeschooling" and "Reading."

Click on the homeschooling page and it will take you to the websites I have collected in my pursuit of homeschooling

Click the reading page and it will take you to list of books I have read and my thoughts on those. There are not many books on there right now. I start over every year.

I am still learning the whole adding of pages thing, so I will keep you posted on new developments.

Grandpa and Grandma Movius Visit

I have been a bit behind with these pictures. They were taken on the 2nd. The majority of our little family was not able to make the Movius-Sager Family Christmas gathering - too many sick kids. Anyway, Ted and Brenda came up for a visit the following weekend.

Luken is above showing off his moves - very cute!!

Brenda and the girls played different card games. I got in a set or two.

Jeremy and his dad playing the Wii.

They were playing Mario cart and then moved on to bowling.

It was great to have sometime with Grandpa and Grandma. And if you have not seen Ted and Brenda lately, they look great. They have both been doing the Medifast diet and they are looking so slim and trim.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Lost Tooth

Samantha has lost another tooth. She just pulls them out on her own and she knows to do it when I am not around. She has had this particular loose tooth for quite sometime now. She has been wiggling it and playing with it hoping it would come out. Yesterday was its day.

The only thing sad in this whole circumstance is Makayla. Samantha lost her first tooth just a few days after turning six. Makayla has been six for two months now and she has been waiting daily to have a tooth fall out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I came downstairs one morning and found my husband like this. It has been very cold up here lately and mornings before Jer gets the fire going can be the worst.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Sam!!

Sam's birthday is five days after Christmas and I always have to be very diligent about celebrating it. After the many Christmas celebrations we have, it is hard to excited about another celebration, but Sammy deserves to be celebrated.

Sam turned eight on the 30th of December. Tradition dictated that we have crepes with strawberries and whip cream.

This is the gift that Bailee, Makayla, and Luken gave Sam. Bailee wrapped it in several layers of tissue paper. It took her a while to get through them.

I am not sure what the secret was, but he was having fun keeping it.

We had a family party that night. Jake, Randi, and the kids were still in town and attended. It was great having you guys here.

I love that my new camera picks up smoke.

If you notice, there is a ball on Sam's head, I did not notice it until I was editing the picture. She was not balancing it. Someone had tossed it at her. I am not sure who.

She got this great hat from Grandma Brenda. She wore it to Walmart the next day and got some great compliments. Brenda, I think you could make some money making these.

These two are quite the pair. I am so glad Randi has her Addi.

Luken loved the little horse Sam received. He calls horses "Yee haws".

Anjahli is growing up so fast. I am sure Justin and Brittney will have their hands full soon.

Jake had my camera. That is the only reason my picture was taken.

I always try to get my picture taken with Caedmon and Addi. I want them to remember that their Auntie Jess loves them.

These four have a great time together. It is always fun to see them together.

Sam had a great birthday. Thank you everyone.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am working on getting Sam's birthday pictures touched up right now. I thought I would share this while you wait.

The other morning, before it snowed, a nice wind blew through and froze everything. The day before it had warmed up a bit and started to make everything slushy. This wind froze everything. These pictures show the girls sliding on our front walk.

Above is Sam doing her "dog" slide.

They really thought this was great fun until their dad put rock salt on it and it began to break up.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Devotional Entry

Jeremy was looking for a new devotional and found "My Utmost for His Highest" on Amazon. He thought it sounded great. What he did not realize is that he already had a copy of it. I reminded him and he has begun to use it.

I also decided I would use it this year. I have been using a devotional by the Copelands that has been great to challenge me in my faith, but this was the third year I have done it and I was needing something new.

I just started yesterday and here were my thoughts.

Am I willing to completely surrender my will for that of Christ's? Do I truly believe that He is going to make the decisions that are best for me? Do I truly believe that His heart is to see me receive abundance in every area of my life? Do I believe I can find it with Him and through Him?

I realize that I struggle because of my many questions. I do not have a simple faith. I have made it very complex because I want to see all the angles. I want to make an "informed decision". To step out off the cliff in simple obedience is frightening and too simple. Life was never meant to be simple, right?

But what I have begun to realize is that Christ is simple. He has never been a complex God and He was not a complex man.

He said, "Whatever I see the Father do that is what I do." Simple.

Why can I not be the same way? Why can I not just follow in Christ's footsteps? Feed the hungry. Bless the poor. Bring hope to those without. Heal the sick. Be a mother to the motherless.

There is a lot of life in those few simple statements and that is where I want to be.

So my goal this year is pursue this simple perspective of Christ's.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Here the girls are at 12:15 AM last night. We all made it except Luken. Makayla and I both took little naps before midnight, but we were all awake as it turned to the new year.

We had a blessed 2010 and are looking forward to 2011.

We wish you all a blessed New Year.