Luken getting in on some more holiday action.

Jeremy brought home this hat last year and the girls love it. Luken had it on for about a second.

Jeremy does the lights and the star. We handle the rest.

I am not sure exactly what he is doing. He had a cookie and I am not sure if he ate it or not.

Our tree - Bailee told me today that it looks sad because it does not have all matching ornaments, but I love it. Everything on their was a gift or made. Nothing like hanging love on a tree.
The tree no longer looks like this. That night it fell over. Our star is no longer on the top because it broke. We are on the hunt for a new one. I bought one, but it definitely did not fit our tree. It is Jeremy's turn to try.

If you are interested, the History Channel did a documentary on the origins of our Christmas season. It gave some great history on where our traditions come from. It was eye opening. I would recommend checking it out. You can check it through our Valnet system at the library.
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