As with all good road trips, you start in the car. Here are our kids all packed in and ready for our first vacation after two years. Two years ago, we took a road trip to Wichita, KS. We had a great time, but wow, that is a long drive. We did get to see a lot of cool US history though.

Bailee has been a stinker lately about getting her picture taken. For this trip, she was told that if she did not allow me to take her picture she was not allowed to use the other camera. As you will see, I have many more pictures of her face. Cute face that it is.

As we were driving through The Dalles, Or, we say many of these "kite surfers". I am not sure if this is the right term, but that is what they were doing. They have these enormous kites and they were being pulled on surfboards. It was very fun to watch.

Our trip down took a bit longer than we had planned. Jeremy had to keep fussing with the tarp, because it would not stay down. Thankfully, he worked it out and we did not have this trouble on the way home.
Thank you, Mom and Dad Leister, for the use of the trailer. We were shocked by all the stuff we ended up bringing with us.

This is our first look at the beach at Cape Lookout State Park. We arrived around 7pm, but did not get down to the beach until our camp was set up and ready to go. Beautiful.

This is the most sky we saw while staying here. The rest of the days we were here it was overcast, but not cold. As you will see, the girls still spent plenty of time in the water.
This is the beginning of our adventure. We had a great time. I will warn you the next post will be full of pictures. I took a LOT of pictures and I am having a hard time filtering them. For my Kenya family, I know you will want to see them all, but I am not sure if everyone else will.
This is it for now. More tomorrow.
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