At our house, stockings come first. When you get up, you can get into your stocking. Everything else has to wait until everyone is up. Our stockings were a little fuller this year thanks to Grandma Phyllis and Poppy, which was really fun.

And as you can see Grandma Georgia, Makayla loves her bear. Right now, she has three must haves to sleep with: Sheepy, this white bear (no name yet), and a gray horse she got from Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Ted.

Good morning, Bailee!! Bailee is a teen, who loves to sleep in.

Luken just thinks Mom is funny.

The Santa hat is something Jeremy brought home. He got up Christmas morning and put it on. Everyone, as you will see, wanted their turn wearing it. You cannot really tell, but Jeremy is holding this great wooden puzzle that I found at Michael's. It cost a dollar and it was of a biplane. I got Justin one also. It was a race car. Justin and Jeremy got them all done on Christmas day. It was fun to watch.

Santa's Little Helpers

Marvin stayed the night with us, so we made sure he was up at a decent time. I think he got to sleep in until 8am.

This year I did not just want to buy Sam and Makayla more toys. They have plenty of toys. Recently they had watch the movie Spy Kids and since then they had talked about being spies and detectives, so Jeremy and I put together little detective kits for them.
These included a digital camera, flashlight, notepad, pen, magnifying glass, and I cannot remember what else. I thought about include fingerprint dust and brush, but thought that might just back fire on me.

They loved them. It is fun to see the difference between them. Makayla is a quantity over quality girls and Sam is the opposite. Makayla had a 100+ pictures on her camera in no time.

I am sure this was Marvin's favorite gift. It is an authentic Manchester United jersey. If you do not know who that is, just look into professional soccer times. My parents found this for him in Kenya. They are very hard to find here in the states and if you do, they are very expensive.

Jeremy's Gift - This was the most loved gift of all. This is Guitar Hero World Tour Band kit. Jeremy had wanted it for months, mostly for the drums. The girls love it because it comes with a microphone and allows them to act like ROCK STARS.

The girls got this great movie - UP! If you have not seen it, you should.

Our self portrait girl

And of course, there was a bit of mischief.

We had a great Christmas. We missed all the family that is far away, but enjoyed ourselves none the less.
Bailee is getting to be quite the beauty, isn't she? We'll have to lock her up some where to keep the boys away.