The fair is one of the girls' favorite things to do. When school starts, they start asking when the fair will be.

They loved the petting zoo this year with the baby llama and camel. Unfortunately, I did not get any really good pictures. They loved the bunny barn. In fact, they all think we need to add a bunny to the family pet collection. For those of you who do not know, we currently have a dog and two cats. I do not think a bunny is necessary at this time.

Luken did so well at the fair. He rode in the stroller most of the time. He even took a short nap.

Yes, Makayla is crying and this exact same thing happened last year. She got in line with Sam to ride the helicopters. She definitely wanted to go. Right up until the time to get in and then she was all tears. Makayla has a distinct dislike of heights. She does not like to be anywhere she can see that the ground is not firm beneath her.

All three of the girls were blessed this year. Grandpa Mike gave them each some money on Friday before they came. Cotton candy was at the top of the list of things to purchase with that money.

Thank you, Grandpa Mike. They had a great time going on the rides, eating cotton candy, and buying souvenirs.

Our teenager is so fun right now.

The little girls love the carousel. It is their favorite ride. Don't you just love how kids enjoy the simple things.

Aunt Brittney and Uncle Justin joined us for a little while. Thank you for watching the kids, so Jer and I could ride the ferris wheel.
Another fall started at the fair.
The fair was fun this year for sure. We love it every year. That is so funny about Makayla. =)