This was our time at the playground. The girls love when they have bigger people at the playground with them. It makes it all so much more fun and there are so many more possibilities.

Chelan and Makayla - The monkey bars are definitely not a possibility for her without a big person.

The girls just love Chelan. We are very thankful that she is willing to put up with Marvin.

Samantha and Chelan - She is also in the same position when it comes to the monkey bars.

Our Makayla is not all that interested in climbing this wall, but she does enjoy the peek hole.

For all of you wanting a picture of me, there you go. I did not realize that Miss Bailee was taking this picture. It is always better that way for me.


Our Crew - Bailee, Marvin, Chelan, Makayla, Samantha

Here is me and my girls - They are quite lovely, aren't they?!

And this one is for you, Mom. Here is your wonderful son.
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