Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pioneer Park

This post is really for my out of town family. This is Pioneer Park and this
use to be the fountain that was in the middle of the park. I just thought you
might like to see some of the changes that are going on in the valley.

Randi - For the next change, I will get some pictures of the still in progress,
but almost completed, nursing complex at LCSC. You should see it.


  1. wow, i can't believe they took the fountain out! i mean, that fountain pretty much made pioneer park!

    and i'd love to see pics of the new nursing building : ) thanks!

    ps - the word verification on this comment is "gutchaff". serious.

  2. I know. It is really weird to not see the fountain there.

    I am trying to remember to take my camera so I can take pictures of the new building. As soon as I do, I will post them or send them to you, Ran.
