Right now, they have nine Kenyan children living in the home. They range in age from 6 to around 6 months old. The majority of them are under the age of 1. Here is the Christmas picture they took.

Here is the Christmas picture, they took before Tekoa joined the gang.

I tell you about my family so that you can be praying for them. At the end of this month, it will have 10 months since we last saw them. They will be here in August for my sister's wedding, but that will put us over a year of seeing each other.
At times, it is really hard to have them so far away. God knows and he always provides for those times. Here is a portion of my family, please pray for them and if interested check out Children with Hope to see exactly what they are doing. You can also keep track of my family by going to my mom's blog, which I am saddened to say is only updated about once a month. leisterkenya.blogspot.com
Your family is doing such an amazing thing.....I am in awe everytime I read the blog.....and I am so blessed by it.
ReplyDeleteI check your mom and dads blog often and we are so proud of the work your family is doing. I miss them, too, but I'm sure not as much as you. We pray for them every day. What an adventure and I know they are a blessing to Africa. Josh and Rachel have started there new life together with a bang. We are proud of them, too. Can't wait to see your family in June. I love you
ReplyDeleteand know how hard it is to be so far away from the ones you love. May the time go fast until they come for their visit.