Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Just so all of you know, we have not come to an agreement regarding a name. At this time, we are not even telling people the options. We want to be in agreement before we do.

I also want to thank all of you for your congratulations. If I would have been thinking, I would have taken my camera to capture Jeremy's face when they said we were having a boy. You all would have enjoyed the look.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Boy

We Are Having A Boy!!!

For any of you who have known us, you will know that my husband has had a strong desire for a son.
He is surrounded by girls and he has wanted to have another male in the house.
Well, he has finally gotten his wish. We went in to have an ultrasound today and got the nod to a boy.
Following are some ultrasound pictures, I hope you like them.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day was very low key, but fun. I had done a few Valentines crafts with the girls throughout the week, but we had not actually done our Valentine's for each other yet. So they got done on Saturday.
It was actually a good way to do it for us. It gave the girls something to do instead of ask me when we were going to get into the Valentine mailbox.

Here is Bailee doing her Valentines. At this point in her teenagehood, she has decided that frustrating me
when trying to take her picture is fun.

But then knowing that I am her mother and if she does not cooperate she will be in trouble,
she gives me the funny face. Cute, though.

Then there is Sam and Mak. They are always willing to have their picture taken.
This was them as they were finishing their Valentines. We made hearts with a salt dough
that we baked and painted. They did all the painting. I did the baking.

This is the box that I made to put our Valentine's in.
I love to do crafts just as much as my girls do.

Makayla loves to get her picture taken.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Wii - Jeremy's Present to Himself

Jeremy was very blessed this year financially for his birthday and Christmas.
He had kept the majority of this money and had enough to buy himself something
he and most everyone else in this house wanted. As you can see,
it is a Wii. You should have seen the dancing when the UPS man arrived.

Jer got this off of Ebay, so it came with an assortment of games.
The most loved one is Guitar Hero III. If you have never heard of this game,
it is fun. You are a part of rock band and you play old rock tunes.
The videos that go with are not great, but Jeremy, Marvin and Bailee love it.

Sammy and Makayla love the guitar, but are not quite coordinated
enough to actually play the game.

I just threw this picture of Marvin in for my mom and any
of you who have never met him.

So this is the new fun at the Jeremy Movius home.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Tooth Pouch

When Bailee was little she would put her tooth under her
pillow and a time or two it got lost.

So when Sammy lost her tooth the other day, I decided
to make her a little something to keep her tooth in.

She love it and it worked great. It was big enough to
put the surprise for her in it, but not too big to both her
when she sleeps.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pregnant Me

For those of you who do not know, I am pregnant.
In fact as of this week, I am 22 weeks along.

No, I have not had an ultrasound yet.
So, no, we do not know what we are having.

In fact, my first doctors appointment is next week.
I am excited to finally go to the doctor.
The reason for not going yet is somewhat long and involved.
It is definitely not worth putting on here.

Needless to say, next week I will see the doctor
and I am sure I will set up an ultrasound.

And, yes, we are going to find out what we are having.
This will be baby number four and I am not in a place for surprises.

I thought I would keep you all up to date.
No, as of yet, I am not willing to post a picture of myself on here.
Most of you see me anyway.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our Girls

Some days our girls can be so good and sweet.
They will actually act on their love for each other.
This day was one of those.

Could Makayla be more cheesy?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sam's First Lost Tooth

Today was the day! Sammy lost her first tooth.
She was so excited. She has a friend who has already lost a few teeth
and she was getting anxious.

She even pulled it out all by herself, which is good
because I do not touch loose teeth.
In fact, it is one of the few things that just really
gets under my skin and makes me cringe.

There was no cringing from Mom today though.
We were playing SkipBo and she just said, "Hey".
I looked up and she was holding her tooth out.

It almost made me cry to think of how grown up she is getting.
Where has my baby gone to?!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Leister's In Kenya

I am sure most of you realize my parents and two youngest siblings are living in Eldoret, Kenya, Africa right now. They are directors of a children's home sponsored by an American organization called Children with Hope, which you can find on the web.

Right now, they have nine Kenyan children living in the home. They range in age from 6 to around 6 months old. The majority of them are under the age of 1. Here is the Christmas picture they took.

And then for those that don't know, my brother, Josh, his wife, Rachel, and their new son, Tekoa are also living in Kenya. They no longer live in Eldoret, but are living in Kisumu, which is on Lake Victoria. Josh is going to school to basically be a bush doctor. No that is not the official title, but I think that is what it all comes down to.
Here is the Christmas picture, they took before Tekoa joined the gang.

Then Tekoa arrived and these are the kids.

I tell you about my family so that you can be praying for them. At the end of this month, it will have 10 months since we last saw them. They will be here in August for my sister's wedding, but that will put us over a year of seeing each other.

At times, it is really hard to have them so far away. God knows and he always provides for those times. Here is a portion of my family, please pray for them and if interested check out Children with Hope to see exactly what they are doing. You can also keep track of my family by going to my mom's blog, which I am saddened to say is only updated about once a month.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jer's Birthday Party

Thank you so much for all who attended Jeremy's birthday party. After his let down of an actual birthday, this party was great. He felt blessed to have you all. Here are a few pictures from it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More of Oscar

Oscar was sitting by me last night as I was finishing up a
crocheting project. Since he was staring me down, I felt
he needed to model my hats for me.

He did not appreciate the experience, but I thought it
was a photo worthy moment. I know I am silly.