If this doesn't amaze you, it does me. I cannot believe she has entered into the double digits. I know in a few short years she will be my second teen. I am praying for preparedness now. I have to admit I wasn't for Bailee. I thought I was, but I was kidding myself. I want to congratulate all parents who make it through the teen years with both them and their teens intact.
Our Sam is turning into quite the young woman. She is also very tall. She has only six inches until she is the same height as her big sister.
As you can see, her birthday gifts consisted of a lot of money. With that money, she has bought herself a Kindle Fire. I will post a picture when it gets here. She is my reader, so I am very excited for her to have this. I am also excited to check it out, because right now, I am contemplating buying myself a Kindle Fire or an iPad Mini with my Christmas money.
The picture below was taken by Bailee. I love it. And just so you know, she got all those candles out in one puff.