Saturday we spent the day in the woods. We went to the Umatilla National Forest to get us some firewood. The above picture is of Jeremy checking for a good spot.
We finally found our spot and the kids began the play time. They really enjoyed their time in "the woods."
There had been a fire at some time, so their were patches of blackened earth and trees.
There were tons of wild strawberry plants. No strawberries yet though. They were just beginning to flower.
We had brought books and toys for the kids to keep themselves busy.
Jeremy doing his thing. He cut and I hauled.
These are a few of the flowers that we saw.
Sammy was a great big sister and read to Luken and Makayla on the way home. Luken lasted about 10 minutes and then he was out.
Mom and Dad Leister, you would have loved the drive. We went out Peola Rd in Clarkston to get there, so it was the back way. It was beautiful.