Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am sorry it has been over a week. Life has just gotten ahead of me.

Luken was sick this week and needed his mom to give him extra time. It is so hard when they are small and cannot tell you exactly how they are feeling.

My laptop gave me the blue screen of death. For those that don't know, that is the time to go find a computer tech. It means that your hard drive is bad and you are about to lose everything or may have lost everything already. I am hoping my computer tech can get everything off mine. All of my pictures are on there.

Jeremy went to Spokane to retrieve our newly rebuilt Metro motor. He, along with his step-dad, are putting it in the Metro as I type.

The girls are now on spring break. We tried to get as much done this last week in preparation for the time off.

And Jeremy is still home. He is seeking employment, but has not found anything yet. Please continue to pray for us regarding this.

Life has just been busy. I am sorry for no pictures, but at this time, I am not even sure if I will be able to get them off my computer. Hopefully, I will.

I hope life is of a slower pace for all of you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Metro

For those of you who have known me longer than three years, will remember this car. I have had it for 14 years now. Crazy!!

It has not been running for the last two. The motor just did not like coming up the Lewiston hill. It was having issues before we moved up here, but Jeremy driving it up the hill every day did it in.

We decided that one of the things we would do with our tax money this year is to get the motor rebuilt. Jeremy usually has to drive the suburban and it miles to gallon rate is scary. I figured that we will be saving two-thirds of what we are spending in gas right now by getting the Metro running. And with gas prices rising now is the time.

So the little blue bomber will be back on the road again soon.

Along another note regarding it, it is going to need to be professionally cleaned. The mice had made it their hotel. If anyone has a recommendation of the places in town, please let me know.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Some Firsts in the Movius House

It finally happened. That tooth came out. It has been so loose, but Makayla is not a puller. I may have mentioned before, I have nothing to do with the pulling of teeth. It grosses me out. Anyway, yesterday, she showed me that she could almost get it to lay completely horizontal. As she was wiggling it, it just popped right out. Her first tooth lost and just four months late.

In the below picture, you will see that the adult tooth had already began to come in. It was just growing up behind the baby tooth.

And Luken had a first also. He received his first haircut yesterday. His dad was having a very hard time with how long his hair had gotten. He kept threatening to cut it when I was gone, so I finally conceded.

We just took the clippers and trimmed him down. He is 21 months now, so I guess a haircut was definitely needed.

Here he is with his new do. He looks so different. Do they really have to grow up so quickly?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Changing Seasons

I thought I would give you a glimpse of what we have endured weather wise over the last week. The first picture would be what we awoke to on Tuesday morning last week. It had snowed a lot on Sunday morning and then again on Monday afternoon and night.

This was yesterday. Starting on Wednesday last week, it began to warm up and our snow began to melt.

This is our driveway. I know it is not give you a very good impression of the depth of the snow, but you see that Jeremy did not actually use the driveway, but had to go out through the field.

This also is yesterday. We have traded our snow for mud. I just want the sun to come out now and melt snow and dry up mud.

And then I thought I would throw this in for good measure. This is Monday of this week. Our winter weather was not going to go out nicely. It snowed like this a couple of different times during the day. Thankfully, it did not really stick.

I went back through my pictures to see if we had ever gotten snow like this in March before and the answer was no. Each year we did have a slight snow in March but only enough slightly whiten the ground.

During these days, I wish we lived in the valley, but most of the time I am content where I am at.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sunday - Makayla, Luken, and I stayed home from church. Makayla was struggling with some stomach thing. She was laying on the couch when Luken climbed up beside her and laid down with her. It was very cute and I got his very cute picture.

On Sunday nights, Justin, Brittney, and Anjahli come over and watch the Amazing Race with us. I got this very cute picture of her. She does not crawl yet, but she is right there. She can get herself wherever she wants to go by army crawling.

This was after Jeremy and Sam got home from church. Jeremy tried to take a nap on the couch which is crazy because our living room is Grand Central Station. Luken thought he needed to lay down with Dad also and get his picture taken again.

It was a nice, relaxing Sunday.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not a Belieber, but....

So I am not a big fan of Justin Bieber's, but I am also way out of his demographic. I do have a teen daughter though and she has seen the Justin Bieber movie.

What I do have is just a little pat on the back for this young man. Again I found this information on Jim Daly's blog and thought it worth passing along. Young people should be encouraged and challenged to stand up for their beliefs and it is good to see that Justin is not just sucking up the adoration of teen girls.

I hope I have you interested, here is the post: Finding Home.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Will Christian Adoptions Be Banned?

I receive a weekly email from Jim Daly, the president of Focus on the Family. It is of is current blog posting. This weeks blog saddened me.

I come from a family that did foster care for 20 years and then my parents moved to Kenya and are the directors of a children's home. I cannot imagine a world where children cannot be with a family because they are Christians. Mr. Daly highlights a news item that has happened in the UK. I suggest you check it out and pray. We do live in an upside down world and only our prayers and presence can right it. Here is the link to the blog posting: Finding Home.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dad's Little Helper

Jeremy brought a computer home the other day that needed a some work. Luken decided he needed to get in on the action.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sledding Day

On Saturday, we invited people up for a sledding day. I am sorry so many of you missed it. We had a great time. It was a great day for sledding.

This is Aaron Betts. Aaron and his daughter, Ashley, came to join us in sledding. This is Aaron on a saucer sled. He is actually not going very fast. The snow was so powdery we had to go down a few times before it got fast.


Aaron and Jeremy have been friends since the 8th grade.

The girls

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Power Outage and More Snow

Yesterday afternoon it started to snow. We had been expecting snow all day long and then it started when it was time to head to dance. Jeremy arrived home and said that the drive conditions were not good, so dance was canceled for the day for us.

Not too long after that, the power went out and stayed out for about two hours. Above is the girls playing a game to take their minds off the fact that it was getting darker and darker.

This power outage happened right around dinner time, so not knowing when the power would come back on, we decided to cook our pizza on the fireplace.

It turned out pretty good. The first one's crust was a bit burnt, but the second one turned out great. The power came back on not too long after the second pizza was done.

Jeremy and I thought it was a fun pioneer time. The girls did not know what they thought at all.

Then we woke this morning to this. We did have snow before, but it had started to melt yesterday before the snow came again.

When it started snowing yesterday afternoon, it just kept going until this morning.


With the wetness and cold, we have some exceptional icicles forming.