Here is Luken just chillin' with Marvin. Marvin is so funny. He will tell you he is not very good with kids, but he loves them. He was even holding our niece, Anjahli, during church on Sunday.

This is a strawberry-strawberry ice cream cake.

Makayla and Cousin Ysa - Another cute girl I love.
I am so thankful for the other little girls that are in Sam and Makayla's lives. It is such a blessing to have cousins and friends that are fun to be with and are good friends to the girls. When Bailee was little, there were little girls I had to separate her from because they were not good friends to her.

Aunt Brittney, Uncle Justin, and Anjahli
I am almost positive Brittney is not feeding Anjahli her cake.

Great Grandpa Ray and Great Grandma Georgia

Grandpa Ted and Grandma Brenda
Grandpa Mike, Grandma Pam, Uncle Travis, Aunt Ange, and Roslynn were also there. Those pictures did not turn out well though.

Makayla loves this sweatshirt from Grandpa Ted and Grandma Brenda. I finally had to tell her she could not wear it anymore after three days.

And here is the face again.
Makayla had a wonderful birthday. Thank you everyone for blessing her.

Now she is 6. I cannot believe it.