Melanie, Sarah, and Ashley stayed and I believe they had a great time.

She had decided that she wanted Chinese for dinner, so I did not have to make her crepes for breakfast.

Bailee opening gifts. She was very blessed. Thank you everyone.
You cannot tell in these pictures, but our gift to her was another set of piercings in her ears.
I always mean to take a picture of the kids with Jeremy and me on their birthdays and I always forget. I might just decided to take day after pictures, since that is when I usually remember.
Bailee had a great weekend and I can barely believe she is 15. We watched some video of when she was 11 last night and the difference is incredible. They change so much in the first 15 years of life.
Bailee had a great weekend and I can barely believe she is 15. We watched some video of when she was 11 last night and the difference is incredible. They change so much in the first 15 years of life.