Following are pictures from the last gathering we had before Jake, Randi, and the kids left to return to Wichita.
Above, this is Addi with a brownie and this is what she says, "I love chocolate!", but she says it in a very cute way.

Some of those who came to our gathering. Thanks everyone for showing up and giving Jake, Randi, and the kids some lovin'.

This cute little button is Jocelyn. She is our good friends Christian and Jill's. She is so squeezable and kissable.

This little man is Judah. He belongs to our friends, Nathan and Michelle. One of these days Luken and he are going to be good friends. Right now they is still a bit of an age difference that makes a difference. Sharing is a hard thing for one year olds.

This is my brother, Jake (on the right), and Jocelyn's daddy, Christian.

I asked Caedmon to smile for me and this is what I got.

This is Jacque with Jocelyn. Jacque and her husband, Ryan, are great friends of ours, but we know that they just love us for our kids. Jacque is the first to steal the babies from their mothers and Ryan makes all little girls fall in love with him.

Addison practiced her frisbee skills.

Here is Ryan trying to get Luken to warm up to him.

Makayla and her dad.

Randi, Jill, and Angela Cook. Angela and her husband, Dustin, went and spent a month in Kenya last year allowing my family to come home for their visit. Thank you so much, Cooks.

Little brother sitting on big brothers lap.

The coloring for this picture did not turn out well, but I loved the four of them.

Now for the group photos. If you are a part of the Leister family, you have learned to accept group photo time.

Caedmon on his way to get his picture taken.

I can never choose which one I like the best. I am always looking at all the faces. Caedmon had run out of patience by the time this picture was taken. I think he began to realize what these pictures meant. He is very much his father's son. He is an emotional little man. He feels things deeply.

Princess Makayla and Super Caeders

Sam looks like a giant next to Addison.
Jake, Randi, Caedmon, and Addison - We loved all the time we got to spend with you. You will be very much missed and we will be looking forward to our next meeting. We love you very much. - Auntie Jess, Uncle Jeremy, Bailee, Sam, Makayla, and Luken