Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Sour Patch Kid for Luken

As most parents know, it is just plain funny to give your small child something sour. With us giving Jeremy the candy bar card for Father's Day, we ended up with a surplus of candy. They were all eating Sour Patch Kids and Luken wanted one. We gave him one.

Below are the faces he made. He ended up eating the whole thing. Flavors do not seem to phase him. Textures do though.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Father's Day

This is a picture of me with my dad at Brittney's wedding last summer. I am embarrassed to say that I did not call my dad on Father's Day. My dad is a great man that I love very much. I hope he can forgive his somewhat forgetful daughter.

Here is the father of our household.

Again I could not decide which picture to use because the kids facial expressions were so great.

I cannot remember why Luken was crying, but he was just not happy.

Father's Day was a very laid back day for us. We took Jeremy to Costco and got him Mario Kart for the Wii. Then we took him to lunch. The little girls made Jeremy this candy bar card with a little help from me. Bailee digitally scrapbooked him a card. Overall, it was a great, low-key day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Brittney's Baby Shower

As with all good showers, I thought I would start with the food. Thank you so much, Randi and Linda, you did a beautiful job. I think everyone enjoyed it tremendously.

Look at these cute girls.

And here is my prego sister, who has I am sure all you moms can imagine, is impatiently waiting the arrival of her daughter.

This shower had a such a great turn out. Thank you so much everyone. Brittney has been abundantly blessed by those who love her.

Addi thought the balloons were the best part.

Bailee really felt like Addi and her bonded. We all had a great time. Thank you Jill and Bretagne for all of your help. I think the shower was a great success.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lots of Family Time

We had my family up for a bbq last Friday. It was a lot of fun. It has been so great having Randi and the kids. I did find myself looking for you, Jake.

Sammy and Addi have become buds at least Sammy thinks so. Whenever Addi lets her, she picks her up and totes her around. Addi is almost 3, so that does not happen very often.

Justin brought up this child size Miami Dolphins helmet for Luken. All the kids took turns trying it on, but it was Addi who liked it the most.

Luken has discovered his tongue and how to stick it out at you. He does not do it a lot at this time, but as you can see, he chooses his moments.

I love a nice fire in the fire pit. We did some more marshmallow roasting.

I took these group pictures and I could just not decide which one I liked the best.

If you look closely, you can see the smoke above the fire.

We have a great family.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Visiting with Jake

To say I miss my family that no longer lives in valley is an understatement, I loved when we all lived here and spent Sundays together having a family prayer time. I know God has sent them all to where he has chosen them to go, but I definitely miss them.

So when we found out Jake would be traveling through Spokane on his way to Seattle, I started thinking of possibilities. There really was only one possibility. That was to see if Jake wanted to take a bit of time with us before he traveled on. Thankfully for me, he did.

Yesterday we drove up to Airway Heights, a small town west of Spokane. It is not far from the airport. We got lunch and then went to a park together.

We got an opportunity to spent a bit of time with Jake and Luken got an opportunity to get reacquainted.

Bailee wanted me to take her picture coming out of the slide. I don't think she thought she was going to fall on her bum.

We had a great time. Thank you, Jake, for taking time for us. Thank you, Randi, Caedmon, and Addi for sharing your husband/dad with us when you have not seen him in a while either. We love you guys.

Babysitting Elias

Here he is. Elias came over last Friday while his mom and sisters went to the circus.

The girls did not even complain to me that they were not getting to go to the circus. They just loved the fact that they were getting to help babysit Elias.

Amanda had a hard time leaving him, but he did great. He was very excited to see her again though. He was ready for his mommy when she got here.

Thank you for letting us be the first to babysit him, Amanda. We loved it.