First, I want to thank Ange (
Ange Movius Photography) for doing the recital portraits the last few years. She does a fantastic job with the craziness that comes with taking, not just one kids, but many kids pictures. We are very thankful at River City Dance to have her do this for us.
Second, I want to show you our girls. Makayla took Creative Movement this year. It is our beginner class. You can be three and join this class. I have to thank the teachers who take on the change of ones so small. Becky and Jessie, thank you so much for all you do. Each one of the girls has enjoyed being with you in class.

Makayla's class - The song they danced to was "Red Hot" and you missed out if you did not come to the recital. The younger kids are always the most fun to watch.

This was Sam's fifth year of dance. I just checked. She has been dancing since 2006. Where does the time go?

This is Sam's jazz class. She was the only one this year to do both jazz and ballet at level 1.

Here she is with her ballet class.

Last, but never least, is Bailee. Bailee has been dancing since she was five, I think, maybe four. So this was around her ninth year.

Here she is with her tap class. She has decided to not take tap this fall. I am disappointed, but going to allow her to make the decision. I am hoping she will miss it and come back.

Then comes jazz.

Lastly, ballet. Bailee started pointe in January. She has really enjoyed it and is looking forward to take more this fall.

Bailee danced in six different pieces this year. Above she is shown with her pointe class, below is her regular ballet class.

The recital is always an exciting way to end the year. It was a wonderful performance this year. Everyone did great and had fun. And just so you know, Bailee and Sam also have fantastic teachers.