Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Making Buckeyes

The kids helped me make buckeyes. They thought it was fun to roll those little balls of peanut butter. They really did not enjoy eating them all that much, but they were fun to make.

This is Luken supervising.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Moose

We have seen so many moose this year. I believe my parents saw one moose the year they lived here. We saw one the first year we lived here.

We did not see any last year and this year we have seen a family, a mom and baby, and now a loner.

Jeremy and I are pretty sure this was a young female. This might have been her first winter on her own. She was not nearly as large as the female that had the two calves and bull with her. She was a very large animal though. This picture is right outside our laundry room.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our First Real Snow

A couple of weeks ago now, we got a couple of inches of snow and of course, the little girls loved it. I think big sister, Bailee, might have even found her way outside if it had lasted longer. It was only with us for about two days.

The girls had to make snow angels. I wish our yard looked like this again. Right now, it is a great big muddy mess.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Movius Family

We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that Christ will bless you in the year to come and draw you closer to himself.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Aunt Brittney and Uncle Justin

Aunt Brittney and Uncle Justin came to visit the other night. Here she is with Sammy.

When 8 o'clock rolled around, Luken snuggled up to Aunt Brittney and eventually went to sleep.

Obviously, not yet.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gia and the Vacuum Cleanner

This is our dog, Gia. She has a strong aversion to for the vacuum cleaner. Whenever it is turned on, she runs for this corner by our front door and this time hid underneath the curtain. She may look like a full grown dog, but she is still a puppy and just needs a little love.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Me, Myself, and Jesus

Luken woke me this morning around 5:30 to get up for his early morning time. He likes to take a poop first thing in the morning.

Jeremy usually gets up around 6 to have a quiet time and get ready for work. So I am usually never alone in the morning, which is my favorite time of day.

But this morning, my husband is not feeling all that well and has slept in. Luken played for a little while after I changed his diaper, but then he laid down on the floor with his pony and began to fall asleep. And for Luken's big news, he is taking a binkie. Thank you, Jesus. I got a better night sleep last night because of it.

Back to being alone, I put Luken back in his bed and I have been alone for the last hour.

I love morning. The quiet of night time is just not the same as the morning. You wake up and everything is new. There is not a day that has past that you are pondering. I wake up thinking of what is ahead and I love it. At night, I tend to think of all I did not accomplish during my day, but in the morning, it is all before me. I get to start anew.

Because I have four children and I homeschool them, I am not very often on my own. So this morning is a gift from God. I opened my curtains and it is lightly snowing covering my ugly, muddy yard with a beautiful blanket of white. I turn on my Christmas lights. My fire is going and it is a perfect morning in the country.

I had my devotional time and I was reminded of how God chose simple shepherds to be the first to meet His Son. Those that had the least amount of worth in their society. It makes me thankful to know that whatever I have done in my life God doesn't see me as worthless. He loves me and gave me the perfect gift and now it is my joy to give that gift back in everything I do.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope you have your perfect Christmas moment with Jesus.

Luken and Food

Luken has now embarked on the wonderful adventure of eating real food. Well, actually, he is still eating cereal with a single fruit or vegetable mixed in.

The other night I gave him carrots and he did not like it at all. I have a short video of him gagging. It really was quite funny.

He has learned to like bananas, apples, and peaches. I know, I know. Where are the vegetables all you mothers are saying? I am trying, but we are a salad eating family and working other vegetables in is just hard for our family.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Train Park

If you live in or near the Lewis-Clark Valley, the Lighted Train park is a holiday must and if you have walking/talking children, it is a have to. And for those of us who have to drive past it to get home, it is an almost everyday "Can we please stop?"

We love taking the kids. It was exceptionally cold though this year and we had the little man with us, so we did not stay long. We had purchased hot cocoa before arriving hoping it would keep us warm, but the warmth was only on the inside.

This year we also had my brother, Marvin with us. You might ask why, if it was so cold, is that young man not wearing a cold? I asked him the same thing myself and he just said, "It's at Jordan's house."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sam's Christmas Dance

Here is Sam with Ashley Betts.

Sam's ballet class doing bar work.

Here she is going across the floor.

And here she is in her jazz outfit.

We were very thankful that Jeremy got to see each of the girls dance. They each had a short presentation for parents on different nights, but he was able to make them. Here he is with the little man.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Dresses

Our kids have a wonderful grandma who buys them Christmas outfits every year.

Here are the girls' dresses.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jeremy Doing What He Loves

This is a picture of my husband doing what he likes to do the most. If you do not know what all that stuff is, it is music editing equipment. He would rather be sitting behind a computer editing music than anything else.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bailee's Tap Jam

This was at Bailee's Tap Jam. They had all three of the tap classes get together and do a little demonstration for parents. Above is a picture of all three classes doing a warm up with Largent, who teaches one of the classes.

This is a picture of Brea Holben and the other girls from Bailee's tap class. They have been tapping together for three years now. They are all getting really good.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Big Sister

Luken has an abundance of people to look after him. He is constantly being carried around by one sister or another.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Preacher

While we were waiting to see Makayla, Sammy gave us a demonstration of her preaching ability.

I definitely think she has a calling to draw people in. Now whether she does that with a Word or from her humor is yet to be seen.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Makayla's Creative Movement

Dance is over this week for the semester. YEAH!!!

Monday, the 7th, Makayla's class did an end of the semester demonstration for parents. It was very cute.

Makayla takes her dancing very seriously. You should have seen the intense look of concentration she had while she danced.

Bailee is also a helper in her class, so the blue/black striped sweater is Bailee.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Decking the Halls or Living Room at Least

It is Jeremy's job to get all of the lights and beads on the tree before the girls begin to add the ornaments. As you can see, he really enjoys the job.

As you see, the girls take the decorating very seriously.

Luken was not sure exactly what was going on. He just wanted to put all of the new stuff into his mouth.

Gia even enjoys the tree. Although we have to keep an eye on her, because she wants to drink the water from the tree stand.

It is also Jeremy's honor to put the star on the top of the tree, which is the very last thing to be put on.

Once it is all done, we turn on the lights to ooh and aah over our creation. We also have to decorate at night. It is a tradition my children tell me. I am not sure if we have just always done it after Jeremy gets home from work, but now it is a tradition.

We spent some time as a family playing a game after we were done. We chose Clue. Sam and Makayla teamed up with Jeremy and me. Makayla and I won, because she made an amazing guess right at the beginning.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Big Sister

Bailee is a great big sister. She definitely has her moments with her younger siblings, but then she also has very special ones also. This is one of those moments. Can you see Sammy's zany personality shining from those blue eyes?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

More Thanksgiving

After having lunch at our house, we went down to Grandpa Ray's and Grandma Georgia's for some dessert. This is Luken with Great-Grandma Georgia and yes, Luken is sucking on his thumb. He is either sucking or chewing on his thumb.

This is Makayla with Aden. Aden thought Makayla was a great playmate. Makayla can be on the reserved side and was not sure what she thought of Aden.

This is Luken and Elise with Great-Grandma Georgia. More on the babies a little further down.

Sammy working off her Thanksgiving food.

Makayla and Aden playing in the tunnel.

Here is another of the babies. They were definitely the center of attention for the night. Elise is three weeks older than Luken.

It was fun to see the differences between them. Luken can sit up by himself, which Elise has not quite mastered yet. Elise can get herself around doing the army crawl and pushing with her toes. Luken just does a rocking horse motion on his belly. Luken also popped up a tooth on Thanksgiving day and another the day after. I do not believe Elise as any teeth yet.

God makes each baby wonderfully special and they grow at their own rate. They are such blessings.